It's been awhile - I've been knee deep in preparing for a wonderful women's retreat I was blessed to speak to this past weekend. What a fantastic group of ladies - I want them all as my new best friends....
There were quite a few requests for a couple of things I shared - and this seems to be the best forum to get them out there so ....
"I Danced with God Tonight" - by Cindy Ward(Zeph. 3:17)
I danced with God tonight.
I wore purple taffeta and pearls. He wore the scars that saved me.
He reached His hand out and took mine.
Not the pretty girl to my right or the perfect one to my left, but mine.
The angels sang, the trees swayed, the birds rolled in and out of formation, and the earth kept time. The sun was our spotlight, the moon our symphony. Time stood still.
He gently glided me onto the dance floor of my life, placed one hand on my waist, took my hand in His and mercifully moved ever so slowly and tenderly.
He sang in my ear the song He’s been singing over me forever and new life stirred in my heart.
He breathed on my cheek and I could hear the rocky places inside of me crumble.
He looked in my eyes and I heard the oceans roar and there was rest.
He caressed my face with His hand, brushing the hair from my eyes and I could see. For the very first time, I could see.
I smiled and He laughed from His belly. I was restored.
I sang and He twirled me through the deepest darkest chasms of my life.
My gown flowed with His peace as life regenerated all around us....and in me.
I stumbled and He picked me up and I was dancing with all of me yet with no strength of my own. Effortlessly beautiful...
The music faded and I heard His heart beat a new song for me as the stars danced across the heavenlies.
The light faded and I saw His glory fill the room, and He held me tightly.
He held me.
I danced with God tonight.By the way ladies - the worship song that prompted this amazing moment with the Lord is called "You are Still Holy" by Kim Hill - a powerful song.
The 2nd thing people were asking about was the
Benediction I read - author unknown...
May all your expectations be frustrated;
May all your plans be thwarted.
May all your desires be withered into nothingness
So that you may experience the poverty and powerlessness of a child…
And sing and dance in the great compassionate heart of God.The
song I referred to when I was talking about Abby is entitled:
"He Knows My Name" by Tommy Walker
Ladies - be blessed as you rest in Jesus!