Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
September Firsts.....
So let's catch up.
We have almost gotten thru all of our September "firsts":
- first day of high school
- first high school football game to cheer for
- first day of homeschooling a first grader
- first day of swim team
- first day of Pre-K school
- first week without daddy (only 7 weeks to go!)
- first month with my iphone - a pretty good stand-in for Jeff - but I'll sure be glad when those silly phones can help with the carpooling
- first facebook connections
Still to come:
- first homecoming dance (we're all hoping daddy will miraculously be here to hold mommy up)
- first home football game with Ward family in attendance trying not to embarass our cheerleader (next Friday)
- first AWANA's of the new year
- first spanish class for Michael
- first 2 soccer games of the fall season for the boys
- first Mad Science class - "mommy, I heard he tries to trick you into drinking lemonade..and it's really pee. Is that science mommy?"
- first class for this years Mommy Bible Study group that I lead- looks like a good group...should be fun.
So there we are - it's been a wild week. The pictures are going to be good - I'll post them when Jeff sends me my cables back from Seattle.
I have to say I am running fast enough to feel a bit like I'm chasing my shadow - and was a bit worried I could keep up. It's been a long time since we've experienced a long deployment with daddy gone.
But God is strategic in His care and He had been in this week long ago. So way back in the summer before we knew the dates of Jeffs training and I was mapping out some memory verses for the Ward family I decided to start the school year with Philippians 4:13 - " I can do all things thru Christ who gives me strength" - I've spent the week hearing 2 little guys and an occasional teenager say that to me over and over again - thank You Lord.
I'm also being blown away by "obedience" and what God's teaching me through it. Homeschooling Michael wasn't really in my 10 year plan - but as God started shifting vision and changing the focus it became obvious that I had to obey. I have to say the best part of my day is when we're in the school room - the blessings of obedience; the freedom; the ease of it all is amazing. It makes me want to re-examine lots of areas - especially the ones I struggle and strive in - perhaps there's an obedience issue. Doesn't Hebrews 3 or 4 talk about that - "the rest of obedience".
So there's lots more to say - this homeschooling thing is providing me with quite the education and this highschool thing is stretching my faith in ways I couldn't imagine. I'm also begging God for the grace to give thanks alot more - I met a lady this past week who's a recent widow homeschooling 5 kids thru grief and exhaustion and yard work. Surely there are heroes among us.
I am blessed.
Cindy & the Wards
June 2008
The Ward 5....
Abby's finishing her freshman year in high school.
Michael's 7 and we're finishing our first year of homeschooling.
Matti's 4 and spends his time at preschool and on the trampoline knocking out teeth!
Jeff's in the 89th Squadron at Andrews AFB flying 737's and being the Director of Personnel.
I am knee deep in answered prayers, goldfish and calendars!