Monday, September 17, 2007

Free at Last

Poor Matti....

He acts like he's been held captive in a wretched prison for 3 long, hard years and now is at last free.

I worry that his changing Sunday school classes is going to be hard - he runs in with a smile and never looks back.

I wonder if school is going to be tough - he's the little guy that still hides behind my leg when a new person says hello. Instead - he jumps into class like a bunny rabbit, tosses me an uninterested wave behind him and leaves me in the dust.

I'm concerned he won't want to carpool - you know he is my baby - this could be strange for him. He climbs into the car with our friends, pumps both fists in the air, shouts "woo hoo" and off he goes.

I'm concerned that AWANA's is too much for my little guy - maybe he's too overwhelmed. Instead we pick him up to hear from the teacher that he not only smiled the whole entire class, but he did his memory verse, his motto and earned his next book.
Yes, ladies and gentleman - I am keenly in tune with my children -a real pro!


tara said...

Next he'll be painting his face blue, wearing a kilt, and asking Uncle Martin for accent coaching.

Cindy and the Wards said...

not until he learns how to shoot a gun or fly a REALLY fast plane will he be wearing a skirt !!!!

Cindy & the Wards

Cindy & the Wards
June 2008


The Ward 5....

Abby's finishing her freshman year in high school.

Michael's 7 and we're finishing our first year of homeschooling.

Matti's 4 and spends his time at preschool and on the trampoline knocking out teeth!

Jeff's in the 89th Squadron at Andrews AFB flying 737's and being the Director of Personnel.

I am knee deep in answered prayers, goldfish and calendars!