Tuesday, October 30, 2007

according to matti....

3 is my favorite age - next to 5 and then 0-18months and then whatever's after 9-11. But all of that notwithstanding I love 3 years old. I've just learned so much from the 3 year olds in my life.

Today I told him to put his pants on - to which he replied "I'm a big boy, I can do it all by myself" So he did - except he put them on backwards. When he came to show me I explained his error to which he replied "no problem mom - I can just turn around!"

This morning he asked me for a bunch of tiny pieces of wood so he could build a house. I asked him why we needed another house and he replied, "It's not for us mom, it's for the ants. We have ants in our house - I'll build them a little house in the backyard and we can open the doors and the ants can leave us and go to their own house." I told him that sounded like a great idea - but the better idea would be to not leave crumbs around the kitchen floor so the ants wouldn't come in here at all. "No, mom they need to come in and get warm and then they can go back outside - they can eat our crumbs and then we'll open the doors - so let's go get the wood right now!"
He's this minute standing next to me drawing his hand and telling me that at school they say "we have to sin against God. Mommy that's what we say. We have to obey my teachers mom".
This past weekend he saw something he wasn't quite sure about - he wrinkled up his little eyebrows (in what Jeff calls the Jeanne Radekopf special) and said "mom, that's stwange - that's really interstate". We're guessing that he meant "interesting".
He's the most "interstating" in our lives right now! I'm thankful for it :)


Kinney Kids Parents said...

I just love the stories you share about your children. I am so blessed by them!!!!!
Thanks for giving us hope for 3 year olds - Cooper will be 3 in March. I can't take much more of the two's.
We love you, keep the stories coming.

Anonymous said...

You are one amazing woman!!!

tara said...

He's so delicious... so glad you are coming for Ethan's "babication" as he is calling it. :)

Cindy & the Wards

Cindy & the Wards
June 2008


The Ward 5....

Abby's finishing her freshman year in high school.

Michael's 7 and we're finishing our first year of homeschooling.

Matti's 4 and spends his time at preschool and on the trampoline knocking out teeth!

Jeff's in the 89th Squadron at Andrews AFB flying 737's and being the Director of Personnel.

I am knee deep in answered prayers, goldfish and calendars!