Thursday, March 27, 2008

prayer request

Remember that post a few weeks back - where I was pondering the amazing gifts of prayer we've been given. I'd like to piggy back on that for a minute and ask that you pray for my cousin Brandon.

He's 28 years old and has just been diagnosed with a very agressive and rare form of cancer. The prognosis isn't encouraging, the treatment sounds big and intense and it's all happening in TX far away from his friends and family in Alabama.

Please pray.

Cindy & the Wards

Cindy & the Wards
June 2008


The Ward 5....

Abby's finishing her freshman year in high school.

Michael's 7 and we're finishing our first year of homeschooling.

Matti's 4 and spends his time at preschool and on the trampoline knocking out teeth!

Jeff's in the 89th Squadron at Andrews AFB flying 737's and being the Director of Personnel.

I am knee deep in answered prayers, goldfish and calendars!