So Matti settled yet another theological question for us tonite - and because I tend to share everything with everyone , I see no reason to keep it from you (the 3 people who read this blog :))
Jesus' Mother was "Merry Christmas" - I doubt he's the first kid to say this, but he's the first one in our house to say it!!!
I'm thankful Jeff didn't fall off the scaffolding while painting and hanging the ceiling fan this weekend.
I'm thankful we didn't spend any time in the emergency room over the long weekend.
I'm thankful I successfully cooked my first thanksgiving meal (although it was on Saturday and probably doesn't count and is forever marred by the fact that I can't repeat it since I have no idea what I put in the pumpkin seed, cranberry dressing which Jeff now says he wants me to fix about once a month).
I'm thankful Abby didn't fall in love or break up with anyone over the long weekend.
I'm thankful that yet another round of steroids was offered by a very compassionate doctor today to try and stop this major allergy fit my body seems to be having. And I'm thankful it's winter and not summer - so no one can actually see the wretched condition my skin is in.
I'm thankful that steroids make you manic and hyper and cause you to get lots done and since it's the Christmas season I have lots to do - yes, tying gingham ribbons on invitations is important I don't care what you say. And having the kids handpaint wrapping paper is a GREAT idea dangit!!!
I'm thankful that Michael continues to thank God for Star Wars and Playstation in his prayers.
I'm thankful that Matti gets to go to the "treasure box" tomorrow to bring home yet another plastic snake that I will then be in charge of protecting, repairing, nurturing and keeping in fine working order.
I'm thankful that the smell of gasoline from the spilled can in the back of our mini-van is almost bearable.
I'm thankful that the estimate to fix the other broken car is less than what we thought.
I'm thankful that the mouse we caught in the basement and then took to the garage where he hastily escaped is most certainly no longer residing with us - he just couldn't be...right?
I'm thankful that Matti's picked his new favorite color - and it's silver "just like his daddy". I'm also thankful that he's emphatically declared that the "grills" (girls) in the Ward family are not allowed to sing, hum or whistle the "Darth Vader Song". at least we know the rules.
I'm thankful the best day of Michael's life was today "because daddy got the ceiling fan up, mommy organized his closet, his brother made him smile and he got to be awake when Abby got home from Bible Study tonite". The kid has a heart the size of a small galaxy.
I'm thankful Jeff heard it this weekend when Abby said a high schooler had a crush on her and she liked him too....his reaction then made me thankful that as a trained killing machine he's had a great deal of training on how to handle his emotions (I do think a refresher course might be in order).
I'm thankful Jeff will yet again this weeked be traveling to India to answer a few questions for a bunch of generals - not because I won't miss him - but because everytime some official over there requires Jeff to fly for 2 days, take anti-malaria meds, dodge the deadly monkeys and mosquitos and then fly 2 days back to answer a few questions it makes it so much more palatable for him when I say "Jeff, I need to talk to you about something". It's all about perspective - don't you think.
I'm thankful that while he's gone I'm quite certain our household will acquire that 5th Christmas tree we're going to need this year....unless of course he's one of the 3people that reads this blog.
I'm thankful that I'm getting sleepy - because it's been a long time coming.
I'm thankful that there are blessings unnumbered in my life that I do not deserve, haven't worked for and couldn't figure out how to keep if you asked me - but He loves me therefore...I am blessed.
Oh yeah, there are pictures from our thanksgiving with Jeff's family this year but the camera bag has been in the gas infested car for a week and has to be aired out in the mouse infested garage on top of the 6 empty paint cans before it can come inside so I don't break out in yet another rash due to the smell...
You're getting the picture aren't you?
Anyway, I should have some new pix by Valentines!
Thanks God - there is life in this living all because of You!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
So Matti came home from Awana's last nite on a sugar high with much to say...
It hasn't been a great couple of weeks at the Ward house with colds, and allergies, and wrecks and gas cans spilling in mini-vans...those sorts of things... but back to the point; Matti came home from Awana's last night and told us about the birthday party and the cupcakes and then dug into his cereal.
About 2 bites in his eyes lit up, his eyebrows shot up to the ceiling and his "preacher hand" started waving..."we talked about Noah....he built 2 boats".
So I took the bait - "why two boats Matti?"
Another sloppy bite of raisin bran and then that look that says "mom sometimes I pity you and all you don't know" - and he patiently explained "Mom, I saw the movie 2 times and everytime he builds a boat".
Yes we have just recently become the owners of "Evan Almighty".
And we laughed - we really all needed to laugh.
A couple nights before this mom was standing in as nighttime bible reader while dad was preserving freedom and such somewhere else on the planet. I decided to read about Goliath the Giant. Matti didn't appear to really even be paying attention - but then he excitedly ran to my lap and said "just like me mommy, just like me - I like Giant - He likes chocolate doughnuts just like me".
I'm not much on bribing kids - mostly because I really don't expect the 10th grade chemistry teacher to tell my kids if you do your homework I'll buy you a Big Mac - but for other reasons too - I just don't do it. But while potty training - things are a bit different - and I do reward.
So at the entrance of our neighborhood is a grocery story called "Giant" where after achieving success at eliminating toxins in the potty Matti would get to go to have his chocolate doughnut.
So somehow Goliath the Giant turned into a chocolate doughnut eating pal for Matti- and now they're just alike. A truly religious moment for my little man.
You'll be happy to know I've returned the reigns of Ward Bible Reader to Jeff whom I've also got convinced that staying home and preserving sanity might be a better use of his time!
It hasn't been a great couple of weeks at the Ward house with colds, and allergies, and wrecks and gas cans spilling in mini-vans...those sorts of things... but back to the point; Matti came home from Awana's last night and told us about the birthday party and the cupcakes and then dug into his cereal.
About 2 bites in his eyes lit up, his eyebrows shot up to the ceiling and his "preacher hand" started waving..."we talked about Noah....he built 2 boats".
So I took the bait - "why two boats Matti?"
Another sloppy bite of raisin bran and then that look that says "mom sometimes I pity you and all you don't know" - and he patiently explained "Mom, I saw the movie 2 times and everytime he builds a boat".
Yes we have just recently become the owners of "Evan Almighty".
And we laughed - we really all needed to laugh.
A couple nights before this mom was standing in as nighttime bible reader while dad was preserving freedom and such somewhere else on the planet. I decided to read about Goliath the Giant. Matti didn't appear to really even be paying attention - but then he excitedly ran to my lap and said "just like me mommy, just like me - I like Giant - He likes chocolate doughnuts just like me".
I'm not much on bribing kids - mostly because I really don't expect the 10th grade chemistry teacher to tell my kids if you do your homework I'll buy you a Big Mac - but for other reasons too - I just don't do it. But while potty training - things are a bit different - and I do reward.
So at the entrance of our neighborhood is a grocery story called "Giant" where after achieving success at eliminating toxins in the potty Matti would get to go to have his chocolate doughnut.
So somehow Goliath the Giant turned into a chocolate doughnut eating pal for Matti- and now they're just alike. A truly religious moment for my little man.
You'll be happy to know I've returned the reigns of Ward Bible Reader to Jeff whom I've also got convinced that staying home and preserving sanity might be a better use of his time!
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Cindy & the Wards
June 2008
The Ward 5....
Abby's finishing her freshman year in high school.
Michael's 7 and we're finishing our first year of homeschooling.
Matti's 4 and spends his time at preschool and on the trampoline knocking out teeth!
Jeff's in the 89th Squadron at Andrews AFB flying 737's and being the Director of Personnel.
I am knee deep in answered prayers, goldfish and calendars!