Saturday, December 1, 2007

deprogramming and deciphering...

For those of you who love to hear about all of my parenting mistakes (and I know who you are - you "pseudo-friends") I've got a good one for you.

Last night around bedtime Michael and I sat down with the December issue of "Highlights" the kids magazine for some reading before rest time. Michael was exhausted - every blink looked like those big gorgeous eyelashes were having to help each other up ...but he wanted to finish the page.

We finished the story and at the bottom were looking at the kids drawings that had been sent in to go with the story. He was having fun looking at the pictures and being able to read the age of the artist by himself. Then he saw one and said "wow, that's from a 7 year old mom ... but what the hell is it?"

Uh oh.

I guess like every other mom in the world I've been listening to the kids and their Christmas wishes for days now. The Ward boys are totally engulfed in Star Wars - well actually all 8 boys under the age of 10 in our cul-de-sac are engulfed in Star Wars. We have light sabres in every color from one end of the street to the other - we LOVE Star Wars.

The boys have been playing the Star Wars games on Playstation with Abby and Jeff alot lately - so the excitement is almost more than we can contain right now.

So one day recently in the car one of them started telling me about the "Complete Star Wars Suck UP" and how we had to have it. The other one chimed in and quickly they rose several octaves explaining all that Darth Vader does, and then Hans Solo does and then Luke...and it went on and on bigger and better by the second.
I interrupted to try and figure out what in the world they were talking about - was it a Lego's game, a ship, a computer game??? What was the "Compwete Star Wars Suck Up?"

It took about 30 minutes and then it hit me - it was another game for Play Station called "The Complete Star Wars SAGA".

Mind you, they'll not have me calling it that in their presence - but I do think the guy at Target is going to understand what I'm talking about now.

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Cindy & the Wards

Cindy & the Wards
June 2008


The Ward 5....

Abby's finishing her freshman year in high school.

Michael's 7 and we're finishing our first year of homeschooling.

Matti's 4 and spends his time at preschool and on the trampoline knocking out teeth!

Jeff's in the 89th Squadron at Andrews AFB flying 737's and being the Director of Personnel.

I am knee deep in answered prayers, goldfish and calendars!