Friday, March 14, 2008

God + __________ =

So something happened on the way thru prayer requests the other day at Bible Study. A brief exchange about Oprah's latest epiphany offering began a stirring....
Since I've no affiliations with anyone - I'll only make one brief disclaimer and then I'm afraid I'm just going to march right into the deep abyss of controversy.

The disclaimer is this - I could be wrong.

However - I've had a tremendously painful history with being very deceived in a very spiritual and seemingly trustworthy place, hurting lots of people and then doing the hard work of de-programming over many years- so if you think I'm wrong you're going to have to work REALLY hard to convince me of it. I've got scars that still speak.

Here's what I believe - God plus anything is wrong. It's a sweeping statement and those can be dangerous when taken out of context; but in light of Oprah and her daily spiritual offerings - in that context, God plus anything is wrong and I must speak...more boldly than I prefer.

It's a debate of facts for some, a debate of feelings for others - and so I've been struggling since Tuesday to come up with a simple explanation for my convictions. Here’s my attempt…
As most of you know - we have an adopted daughter.
Let's say that she came to us tomorrow as a teenager; now far more learned and experienced in life than when she arrived at the age of 4, and made a request. What if she told us that we were doing a fine job as parents - but she really thought she'd benefit if we'd let her birthparents move in.Her argument would include the truth that there are tendencies she has that we don't understand that her birth mother would know instinctively, and that health issues could be discussed with more information if birth father was sitting at the dinner table. She would continue to let us know that we were indeed special to her and she was appreciative of the rescue we offered many years ago, the care we were providing now, and the love we'd given so freely - and that none of that had to change - she just wanted to add more knowledge to the equation. This new knowledge would not be to hurt us but to expand all of us - especially her, to help her navigate the days to come a bit better. It would be a valid argument full of truth and potential hope.

Except for this one thing - there's no way we could add two more parents into the equation without Jeff and Cindy becoming diluted in the process. We would tell her "no" (as you would tell her no) because first of all although it makes sense and it could be reasoned out - it's not best. Our authority would be challenged, her faith in our love and our ability to care for her would be challenged, the house would become divided, the other 2 children would begin to wonder what all of this meant for them and everything would begin to crumble all under the guise of just adding a little more information.
But there would surely be therapists, teachers, and even spiritual leaders who would love this idea of us unifying to heal – or maybe it’s actually diluting to avoid conflict; - or is it really an opportunity to fill her with facts so she wouldn't have to have faith in us? I guess it would depend on where you stand. There would be no real authority in her life - just more resources and information to make her complete. She would truly be enlightened.
Here's the comparison: You see Oprah hasn't to my knowledge come out and told you that she wants to replace your faith in God, His Word or His care for you - she just wants to add a little something to it. And how logical it all sounds, and of course it makes sense.

This new book she's steamrolling into modern (especially female) culture references the scriptures in more than one chapter. He (Eckhart Tolle) talks about God. It looks good, it sounds good, it feels good - she's even offering "community" thru her web page, she's allowing for daily reinforcements with her radio show, TV show and magazine - she's making it easy for you to dive right into "group think" = a precursor to deception. And thru it all we will be more informed! And remember what Satan said to Eve - maybe God is holding out on us...He surely wouldn't mind if we added something along the way - not if He really loves us.
Well, I'm not God but I'll tell you this - our daughter better not come home with her birth parents and their baggage in tow - it'll be ugly. Not because we hate them, fear them or are concerned they'll hurt her - but because we are enough parents for her - God said so and that's it Information isn't the answer.
God plus Oprah and Eckhart may make you feel more enlightened; and maybe your ego is something that God left out of the Word to prompt us on this sort of "Easter egg hunt" for the rest of the story. Maybe "ego" is "flesh" and we can transform into more Presence and then our flesh will be perfected and God will change His mind about us "crucifying the flesh and living in His Spirit". Maybe one good, transformed, enlightened human full of the “presence” is all it’s going to take for _______.
I don't know what then....maybe that's a good question - once the transformation happens, what then?
Or maybe this is a distraction; an opportunity for you to maintain just a bit of control, an opportunity to feel the power of self discovery - isn't that what this stirs in you really?

Or maybe you'll be the one who'll actually stay steady on the course of "be ye holy as I am holy" - this new quest to ignore the ego, pursue your miracles etc. won't affect you at all. You’re just browsing anyway.
Guess what - that's exactly what the enemy is hoping - just add a bit here - and while you're busy adding you'll never notice the fading that's going on in your heart. And eventually you'll start letting people know that "yes, you need to repent of your sins, ask Jesus into your heart and pick up a copy of _____, _____ and…. well I guess it'll depend on how many gurus we’ve added by then.
My friend the day is coming when it all crumbles around you and Eckhart and Oprah and Marianne will be on their next book tour, they won't take your call or answer your e-mail - and your enlightenment and information won't help you much at all.
I'm begging you - pray!
Ask God if this is something He wants you to add to all He's teaching you and showing you, if you think He says yes, find that plan in scripture and then please call me I'd like to hear about it.

If He says no - RUN!!!!
Run like a child running from an adorable rabid dog - he may be cute but he's going to kill you.


Maureen Erickson (Mo) said...

oh my gosh, so well said
best analogy i've heard- birth parents
years ago I found a verse that screams oprah to me
2 tim 3:5-6 ......i had it written out here but is it pretty harsh. i'll let people look it up themselves!!

Anonymous said...

This was the best thing I read all day. Still waiting on the book...

Anonymous said...

And I just can't help myself with the name--Cindy and the Wards conjures visions of a 50's bee-bop group... I've got an idea of what I think it would look like...

Cindy and the Wards said...

What what would look like Mr. Dally - the book or the 50's bee bop group???
I'm nervous either way.
Man do I miss our long, long conversations on stuff I can't even remember!
Here's to AAFB!!!

Are You Destinized? said...

Thanks for your clarity and for your passion for truth. Keep leading people towards God and only God.

Anonymous said...

Although your blog is a sad commentary about today's society, it is painfully true. We (society) seek knowledge about God but not from God. God's word is sufficient and his grace is abundant. Seek wisdom and knowledge from God not man. So I concur, God plus anything is wrong.

2 Timothy 3:15-17 (New International Version)

15and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Lathan said...

I appreciate you writing this. It is amazing that people are learning more truth from Oprah than us. Unfortunately it is riddled and poisoned with deceiving facts that lead people away from the truth and purpose of the cross. Anyhow, I wish the church would stop exercising so much sideways energy and battling each other and start changing the world around them. We are losing ground.

Cindy & the Wards

Cindy & the Wards
June 2008


The Ward 5....

Abby's finishing her freshman year in high school.

Michael's 7 and we're finishing our first year of homeschooling.

Matti's 4 and spends his time at preschool and on the trampoline knocking out teeth!

Jeff's in the 89th Squadron at Andrews AFB flying 737's and being the Director of Personnel.

I am knee deep in answered prayers, goldfish and calendars!