Thursday, May 8, 2008

...and the Wards...

Thought I'd catch you up on the rest of the crew - I've been blog hogging for a while now.

We're almost finished with our first soccer season - what fun that has been.

Abby's got tryouts for the high school cheer team in a couple of weeks, and has already started dry land training for swim team.

Matti's last day of school is next Friday - what fun he's had. I love our little school. I've been invited to "Muffins with MOM" tomorrow in his 3 year old class! I can't wait.

Michael's lost yet another tooth - I've got to get a more recent picture. He's almost toothless now. He's loving soccer, getting bored with karate and ready to try baseball and football.

Jeff's got 100 days left at his job in International Affairs - we're guessing they'll squeeze 5 trips to India in that time. The fact that he knows how many days he has left tells you all you need to know. He drove me up to Andrews Monday to see the 737's and the Air Force One Hangar and all of that - it looks like it's for real - can't wait till he gets back in the cockpit again - I miss that smile.

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Cindy & the Wards

Cindy & the Wards
June 2008


The Ward 5....

Abby's finishing her freshman year in high school.

Michael's 7 and we're finishing our first year of homeschooling.

Matti's 4 and spends his time at preschool and on the trampoline knocking out teeth!

Jeff's in the 89th Squadron at Andrews AFB flying 737's and being the Director of Personnel.

I am knee deep in answered prayers, goldfish and calendars!