A.K.A - field trip for the heart.
The kids and I had to go to Walter Reed Hospital in DC today to get Abby's new orthotics. We spent 3 hours in the prosthetics clinic watching men whose lives and bodies have been obliterated by tragedy in far away places.
The doors to the clinic would swing open wide and these men would roll themselves in the clinic in their wheelchairs and throw their old prosthetic on the counter, laugh and joke with the staff and then minutes later you would see them test driving the new limb while running up the hallway.
Several of them had wives push them in - women with a strength of spirit and heart that seemed too great for words - put pain that was still so close to the surface that they couldn't make eye contact with you.
I could have gotten a babysitter for the two little guys - it was an all day affair. But frankly, I wanted them there. I shared with Michael before we went in what we would see, how he should behave when he saw it and then assured him I'd answer all of his questions when we got back in the van. He was a trooper - amazed while not really understanding how amazing it all was.
Truthfully, I want my kids to see the ugliness of reality - actually I guess I want them to see that NOTHING is FREE. I want them to know of great men and heroes, and people who pay the price and march on.
That's true of their knowledge of Jesus too. I want them to not only know Him as the Savior who rescued them - but also the Savior who was broken and bled and nearly crushed- I want them to know the tomb, only after they've sat at the feet of the cross where the blood trickles down over them. The truth is we need a Savior who bled for us and we need soldiers who will do the same for our freedom in this country and around the world. The sad thing is - very often we want the victory without the battle to the extent that we'll ignore the battle altogther and those who fought.
Wasn't it David who said - "I will not give Him that which costs me nothing".
Today was a reminder of people who say that sort of thing and then have to live with it.
The crazy thing is - the Prsthetics and Orthotics clinic is the rowdiest clinic at that hospital I think - those guys laugh and joke, and talk and share a camaraderie - some unspoken connection that is sacred and precious and solid. It was awkward to be in the room at some points - not because of their injuries - but because of their laughter. I felt small, and shallow and trite.
As we left today, another gentleman was being rolled out to the elevator in front of us - his injuries looked new, his face still carried grimaces of terror and shock - one leg was gone, the other in a cast with tubes hanging out where the foot should have been, one arm in a cast and a tube running out of his shirt at his neck - I never saw him blink. I hope we see running down the halls the next time we're there, or maybe just sitting in the room next to us deciding whether he wants the shiny silver leg, or the flesh colored one made for running. Pray for him - it's a long way from where he was today, to that moment - but at the very least we owe him and others like him a prayer.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
AAARGHHHH Alabama!!!
What a week to go to Alabama. 10 days of over 100 degree temperatures! Thank heavens for the pool, the bowling alley, the skating rink, McDonalds with an indoor playground and air conditioning. Please pray for the farmers down there - they could lose it all over this weather. It's incredibly sad.
And now, I'd like to preach for a minute - feel free to move on to your favorite game site if you'd prefer not to hear my rantings.
I desperately want to see my brothers life touched by Jesus. For several years now I've pursued intentionally loving him in the ways it appears he enjoys being loved - wanting to build a relationship with him and wanting to share the love of Jesus with him.
So.... I was just in Alabama for 10 days and got to spend some one on one time with him. We had fun - he's hysterical and a blast to be with. You can talk about anything with him and he's got that great southern humor that makes you cry you laugh so hard.
Several times he turned the conversation to God and church and Christianity and I would sit on my hands, bite my tongue and listen. Over and over the same issue came up with him - probably not unlike many others who just don't think it's worth the effort to dig in to Christianity - Christians have really proven to be the biggest jerks in his life.
In his business - head deacons have been the ones that robbed him, elders are the ones who try to beat him out of a nickle over every bid, and the loudest Christians have been the worst business partners.
Now there were quite a few old buicks riding around down there with those good ole bumper stickers "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven". But I gotta tell you - I just couldn't say that to him - what a cop out.
As a believers - we've all - including me - got to start living our lives a cut above. Relevancy, and being culturally aware is brilliant - except when it gets all the attention and holiness is totally ignored.
The truth is - you and every other friend I have could join me in praying for my brother - we could serve, love and reach out till we're blue in the face - but if on the other hand we're living a sloppy life, with a sloppy mouth and using Christianity as an excuse - then we've just offered him a great kitchen pass out of the whole thing.
So the question is - are you working against the prayers of others because you won't deal with your stuff? What about your business dealings, what about your character and integrity, what about your speech, and your level of forgiveness and your relationship skills - is their holiness that draws others or carelessness that repels them.
Don't know about you - but I've got work to do. What makes you different?
And now, I'd like to preach for a minute - feel free to move on to your favorite game site if you'd prefer not to hear my rantings.
I desperately want to see my brothers life touched by Jesus. For several years now I've pursued intentionally loving him in the ways it appears he enjoys being loved - wanting to build a relationship with him and wanting to share the love of Jesus with him.
So.... I was just in Alabama for 10 days and got to spend some one on one time with him. We had fun - he's hysterical and a blast to be with. You can talk about anything with him and he's got that great southern humor that makes you cry you laugh so hard.
Several times he turned the conversation to God and church and Christianity and I would sit on my hands, bite my tongue and listen. Over and over the same issue came up with him - probably not unlike many others who just don't think it's worth the effort to dig in to Christianity - Christians have really proven to be the biggest jerks in his life.
In his business - head deacons have been the ones that robbed him, elders are the ones who try to beat him out of a nickle over every bid, and the loudest Christians have been the worst business partners.
Now there were quite a few old buicks riding around down there with those good ole bumper stickers "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven". But I gotta tell you - I just couldn't say that to him - what a cop out.
As a believers - we've all - including me - got to start living our lives a cut above. Relevancy, and being culturally aware is brilliant - except when it gets all the attention and holiness is totally ignored.
The truth is - you and every other friend I have could join me in praying for my brother - we could serve, love and reach out till we're blue in the face - but if on the other hand we're living a sloppy life, with a sloppy mouth and using Christianity as an excuse - then we've just offered him a great kitchen pass out of the whole thing.
So the question is - are you working against the prayers of others because you won't deal with your stuff? What about your business dealings, what about your character and integrity, what about your speech, and your level of forgiveness and your relationship skills - is their holiness that draws others or carelessness that repels them.
Don't know about you - but I've got work to do. What makes you different?
Sunday, August 12, 2007
catching up....
Well it happened to me too. My blog got stale, we've been busy - but of course everyone is. My camera is also acting up and needs immediate attention; so it goes.
I just spent 3 days at the Willow Creek Leadership summit - my first. It was quite good. I've got lots of reading and digesting to do. One of my favorite speakers was Marcus Buckingham - "Go, Put Your Strengths to Work" - loved his concepts and look forward to implementing them in my mommy world. Not to mention he was a Brit and I LOVED his humor.
There was also a pervasive theme to the conference on obliterating global poverty and how the local church really is the hope of the world. In all of that, I was deeply convicted that my christianity is incredibly small - something I feel is probably a great offense to my God.
It was a good weekend - yet another confirmation to me that God works in 3D. If we're willing to listen and engage He really is the great multi-tasker and can speak to our hearts, minds, spirits in a multitude of ways in rapid fire and precision. I'm looking forward to an afternoon with my notes and my journal
The kids and I are off to Alabama for a week or so for vacation time with Grandma and Grandpa and 3 digit heat. Jeff's on his way to Florida for more work on India and their upcoming purchase. So the Wards will be out of pocket for awhile.
I just spent 3 days at the Willow Creek Leadership summit - my first. It was quite good. I've got lots of reading and digesting to do. One of my favorite speakers was Marcus Buckingham - "Go, Put Your Strengths to Work" - loved his concepts and look forward to implementing them in my mommy world. Not to mention he was a Brit and I LOVED his humor.
There was also a pervasive theme to the conference on obliterating global poverty and how the local church really is the hope of the world. In all of that, I was deeply convicted that my christianity is incredibly small - something I feel is probably a great offense to my God.
It was a good weekend - yet another confirmation to me that God works in 3D. If we're willing to listen and engage He really is the great multi-tasker and can speak to our hearts, minds, spirits in a multitude of ways in rapid fire and precision. I'm looking forward to an afternoon with my notes and my journal
The kids and I are off to Alabama for a week or so for vacation time with Grandma and Grandpa and 3 digit heat. Jeff's on his way to Florida for more work on India and their upcoming purchase. So the Wards will be out of pocket for awhile.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I had a flashback last night - one that I can actually share. I was sitting at my piano in Hendersonville, Tennessee as a 5th grader and I heard mom saying - yet again - "practice your piano!".
Then I saw myself in High School in Waynesboro Virginia playing for Concert Choir, or at the church or for dad after dinner and for a moment I enjoyed the memories.
But last night was the best gig I've ever had. I sat down at the piano after a long day of mommy duty while dad's out of town and just wanted to get lost for a bit. Somewhere in the middle of my playing, I realized Abby and Michael were in the room dancing together...quietly.
I'm glad I practiced.
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Cindy & the Wards
June 2008
The Ward 5....
Abby's finishing her freshman year in high school.
Michael's 7 and we're finishing our first year of homeschooling.
Matti's 4 and spends his time at preschool and on the trampoline knocking out teeth!
Jeff's in the 89th Squadron at Andrews AFB flying 737's and being the Director of Personnel.
I am knee deep in answered prayers, goldfish and calendars!