Monday, June 30, 2008

a Holiday to remember!!!

What a great week we've just had. The Chalklettes and their parents were here for more fun than we've had in a long time. We LOVE you Chalks - and are counting the days till you come back - we actually want you to move in our basement....pretty please.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

I stand at the door.....

So tonite's devotion was from Revelation 3 where John explains that Jesus stands at the door and knocks.....

The boys were tired, so I read quickly and then read a book on "Faith".

Before we prayed, I asked Michael if Jesus was in his heart. He responded "no, I haven't heard him knock yet".

To which Matti replied, "Michael, Jesus is in my heart, he came thru my stomach and this is what it sounds like, do you hear this?". He then starting playing drums on his belly while I rolled in laughter!!!


Yesterday Jeff was out playing baseball with the boys and something got him frustrated.

Michael offered a work of encouragement; "dad, you just have to have patience."

Jeff told him what a great idea that was and thanks for thinking of it - to which Michael replied, "no problem dad, an old friend told me that once".

Of course Jeff knew immediately that the "old friend" just happened to be me. :)

SLOW down.....

So the birthday blitz is over -

This was our first year without a combined party for the boys and it was good (not necessarily cheaper), but good.

The big news is that Matti lost a tooth...this is incredibly upsetting to me. Those baby teeth are the last thing that makes them still look little - I hate it when they start going and Matti's way too young for this.

But they were wrestling and giggling and then all of a sudden Matti was asking if Daddy could e-mail the tooth fairy.

Hmmmm....I'm really wanting another baby - this is all happening way to fast.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Do you know the Matti man?

Wow...he can't be 2 days from turning 4.
This is my tender tiger - full of passion and fight and a constant smile.
For my Charleston friends - I SO wish you could know him....he's a really cool kid.
He's also a Nascar fan....
so there you go.
Sleep with Jesus little man - Mommy loves her matti man.
Thank you God for the "above and beyond" of Matthew.....Ephesians 3:20.....

He did it....

The big birthday is over ... and what an event.

He celebrated with all his pals at school with a skateboard cake on the last day of school. They were already celebrating with sprinklers and beach balls ...

He went to his favorite Mexican restaurant and ate chicken nuggets (he basically drinks the salsa - that's why we go - anybody remember my cravings for salsa???)

He opened presents with the fam ... including 2 Nationals T-shirts. One that "is a little too big, but don't worry mom, I can sleep in it".... this kid is just NICE to his bones.

that's when Jeff spoke up and said "no, buddy that's my shirt - do you have any idea why you and I might need these T-shirts?".

While holding up his new glove and baseball - he replies, "yes sir, so we can play baseball ... you know the Nationals are my favorite team".

Jeff responds, "well yes we could do that, but what else could we do with these 2 shirts?"

That's when Abby's squeal got him really thinking.

Then Jeff holds up two tickets for the front section on the 3rd base line and Michael's struck silent (that's how you know Michael's really excited!!!).

Then we went to to Kindergarten Graduation and mom cried her eyes out. His test scores were yet again thru the roof, his pals and teachers love him and dad beamed when Michael said he wanted to fly 737's when he grows up....then he spontaneously saluted his dad before he got off the stage! It was so cool!
The next day was Matti's final soccer game and party and then Jeff and Michael took off for laser tag, car shopping, the subway ride to the game and yet another moment of silence when he walked into that stadium "with millions of people mom!" Jeff said he was overwhelmed.

We finished the weekend with church and "Kung Fu Panda"....

Michael's 7 and mom and dad are wasted!!!

Only 2 more days till Matti's birthday we go again!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Michael ichael motorcycle....

This guy is SOOOOO much fun!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More mighty Michael....

The birthday countdown continues...2 days to go. Michael is over the top ... mostly he's over the stairs of his bunk bed in the middle of the night because he's too excited to sleep ("mommy, can I sleep with you guys until my excitement goes away?")

Michael is a tender soul. I've decided to homeschool him for reasons I still can't put into words - but I'm hoping one of the end products is a protection of that tender heart.

Right now my mommy radar is detecting a conflict in my mighty warrior this week. He's so excited to finally get to celebrate his birthday at school, but keenly aware that this will be his last day at this precious school with these amazing kids and teachers whom he loves dearly.

Michael tends to be like his mom when it comes to people - he really digs in and listens and remembers. Folks really seem to connect themselves to his little heart. All you need to do is mention someone's name and he can tell you about them. I ask him about his day and instead he tells me about "his people".

Will and Alli? - "Their birthday is on the same day as Abby's - they're twins."

Landon? - "He's funny"

Juliana? - "Her mom thinks she's shy, but she loves to laugh, you just have to be funny."

Jaden? - "he's my Star Wars buddy, his mom sings too mom"

Carter? - "He has a peanut allergy - so mom no goldfish so I can sit at his table for lunch today"

Grace? - "She's been sick, but we've been praying for her. She came back to school, but I think she's still tired."

Mrs. Leake? - "Her daughter is in from college and they had an appointment, ....."

So in the midst of being super excited about his birthday, I think the last day of school is hitting him pretty hard. Again, I thank God for our school - I believe it's the greatest gift God has given us in Virginia. I'm going to keep Matti there as long as I can so they can write on his heart, like they did Mighty Michael .
I pray God always gives Michael lots of people to love - because he's really good at it. He's also good at telling lots of people what to do (that's from his dad), but he realldy does have a gift when it comes to people.
If you are someone who's loved Michael well - like you Scott K, or Cocky, or Mrs. Leake, or Mrs. McDonald, or Grandma and Granpa, and Mrs. Forero adn Auntie Jeanne and the Chalklettes, and a WHOLE host of others ...
Thank you -
I think you would like what those seeds are growing up to be.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

the 2 old men in the car seats in the back of the van

So there's this other stuff I love about Michael.... and since it's his week, I figure I'll just keep talking about one of my favorite people on the planet.

I love the part of our parenting curriculum that shares the value of giving kids the moral reason why - we've learned and continue to learn that giving the children the ammunition to make their own good judgments and choices has far more lasting value than just saying "yes" and "no".

All of our kids are thinkers, and I think it is primarily because I'm wanting to answer their questions or challenges in ways that will eliminate them needing to ask again. So they think things out.

This is not more true of anyone in the house than Michael. He reasons everything out, ponders, thinks, analyzes and frets a bit. But he also includes and shares endlessly - everything he learns; he shares. His little brother is really benefiting from that.
Michael is also quick to share all the rules. With the arrival of warm weather, we're having to go over the "crossing the road" rule again - and General Michael is really training his little brother.
Yesterday as we drove out of the neighborhood, a jack rabbit crossed the road in front of us. Everyone looked and squealed and then went back to what they were doing. Well the two old men in the car seats in the back of the van struck up a bit of a conversation. Without ever looking up from his leapster, Matti said" that rabbit should have known better than run across the road". To which Michael responded, "that's right little buddy".

So this past week Matti's been showing off his dance moves. This is a bit odd, since Matti's a little shy and Michael's our dancer. But again, if Michael's done it, learned it or seen it, he's going to share it. So Matti's picked up Michael's (above average) dance moves and was dancing in the van the other day. When he finally caught my eye - I laughed and laughed and laughed. He was pretty good -a bit more wild with it all; but pretty good with the Austin Powers stuff. Michael has a bit more finesse of course, but you knew that already.

When I finally quieted down, Michael pointed to his brother and said " mom, that's 'Michael Junior" over there...with just a touch of violence".

Yes, Michael thanks to you he is "Michael Junior with a Touch of Violence".

Cindy & the Wards

Cindy & the Wards
June 2008


The Ward 5....

Abby's finishing her freshman year in high school.

Michael's 7 and we're finishing our first year of homeschooling.

Matti's 4 and spends his time at preschool and on the trampoline knocking out teeth!

Jeff's in the 89th Squadron at Andrews AFB flying 737's and being the Director of Personnel.

I am knee deep in answered prayers, goldfish and calendars!