He celebrated with all his pals at school with a skateboard cake on the last day of school. They were already celebrating with sprinklers and beach balls ...
He went to his favorite Mexican restaurant and ate chicken nuggets (he basically drinks the salsa - that's why we go - anybody remember my cravings for salsa???)
He opened presents with the fam ... including 2 Nationals T-shirts. One that "is a little too big, but don't worry mom, I can sleep in it".... this kid is just NICE to his bones.
that's when Jeff spoke up and said "no, buddy that's my shirt - do you have any idea why you and I might need these T-shirts?".
While holding up his new glove and baseball - he replies, "yes sir, so we can play baseball ... you know the Nationals are my favorite team".
Jeff responds, "well yes we could do that, but what else could we do with these 2 shirts?"
That's when Abby's squeal got him really thinking.
Then Jeff holds up two tickets for the front section on the 3rd base line and Michael's struck silent (that's how you know Michael's really excited!!!).
Then we went to to Kindergarten Graduation and mom cried her eyes out. His test scores were yet again thru the roof, his pals and teachers love him and dad beamed when Michael said he wanted to fly 737's when he grows up....then he spontaneously saluted his dad before he got off the stage! It was so cool!
The next day was Matti's final soccer game and party and then Jeff and Michael took off for laser tag, car shopping, the subway ride to the game and yet another moment of silence when he walked into that stadium "with millions of people mom!" Jeff said he was overwhelmed.
We finished the weekend with church and "Kung Fu Panda"....
Michael's 7 and mom and dad are wasted!!!
Only 2 more days till Matti's birthday ...here we go again!
He has the most beautiful skin I have ever seen! Happy Bday!!
Happy Day, you!!
Michael has nice skin too! Lol..somehow I meant for this to be up by Matti's post:)
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