Saturday, December 15, 2007
Christmas Letter 2007
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
What a great year the Ward Family has enjoyed. We are so humbled and blessed by the many blessings we’re enjoying – and still so keenly aware that as we’ve celebrated some amazing moments, there are those we love who have endured their most difficult. Our hearts and prayers continue to go out to you – especially this holiday season. And as always, to those who are supporting our freedom all over the world – we stand in humble gratitude to you. There is no way we’ll ever be able to repay the cost you and your families continue to pay so we can “have it our way”– Godspeed!
You really can’t imagine all Jeff and I have learned this year. It’s truly amazing and almost embarrassing to ponder how we ever functioned before we had children to really teach us something. Just look at how we’ve grown just this year…
* You do have to pay more for the jeans with the holes in them.
* Princess Leia was not a Jedi and therefore does not have a light saber (“so neither will you mom”).
* The Darth Vader theme is never to be sung by “grills” (girls) – only boys forever and always.
* Dad doesn’t work anymore – he just goes to the airport.
* Jesus’ mother was “Merry Christmas”
* When your daughter invites a boy for dinner – it’s not considered chaperoning if the parents spend the whole time in the bathroom throwing up.
* We have to keep our money in piggy banks or else Matthew from the Bible will come back and take it from us like he did in Bible days.
* When your son is almost asleep and you go in for one more nighttime kiss – he can immediately pause his dream by touching his finger on his forehead. This is not to be initiated by the parent – only the child.
* Leggings are back – but not the ugly ones (WHAT????).
* Parents should be seen and not heard – or heard and not seen – or better yet both when there are cute guys anywhere close.
* Kindergartners can no longer kiss mommy without their faces turning red, and strange grunts coming from their belly – but waves are appropriate – if not overzealous. Do not blow kisses from the carpool line!
* When you tell your children that we’ll have to wait on the weatherman to tell us when the next snow storm is if you’re not incredibly clear it may be translated -“we’ll have to go see the weatherman at the snow store and get more snow”.
Truly, it’s been an uneventful year at our home. Now, 2008 promises to bring some excitement with the end to Jeff’s assignment in the International Affairs office and a move to another assignment, a move for Abby to high school, Michael will be moving to elementary school and Matti will move to school 5 days a week – I will then be moving to whatever “facility” that’s close by and has a vacancy! But we can talk about all of that next year.
As a final note, if you’ve got a second this crazy season and could check in with the God of the Universe – I’m certain He’d love to tell you how much He loves you; how He created all things – especially Christmas because of His crazy love for you and how He’s got this whole thing under control no matter what. Don’t know what your day or your heart is full of – but only Jesus gives life to this living.
We’re off to find the snow store so we can sled this afternoon between showings of Star Wars. Feel free to check out our blog to keep up with the continuing education of two parents – – just be sure to leave a comment and let us know you were there and please come see us!
Blessings to you and yours!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Christmas ... intentionally.
If we're not careful that's how the Christmas season happens - we shoot and shoot and shoot - but never hit anything; much less our intended target. Books and articles abound on how to keep the focus on Jesus during Christmas - but I'm normally so busy sending in sugar cookies to this school, gift bags to that school and trying to keep the laundry done that those books don't get a whole lot of attention in our home.
This is one of those times when traditions really become a gift. Like the cruise control on a car - those traditions can keep you up to speed on the journey your family is taking. So, take a minute, pray and add maybe one new tradition to your Christmas this year. For our family especially - since we relocate so often - these time honored traditions become "home".
Here are the few we do - I'd love to hear a few that you do - let's just promise each other not to get overwhelmed....
* Birthday cake for Jesus - it's dessert for Christmas dinner after we read the Christmas story. The kids love baking it.
* Prayer before presents - once the kids have come down and seen what Santa's brought, we play and enjoy for a while - then daddy leads us in a prayer of thanksgiving for all we have, all we're about to get and for all the kids around the world who may not be enjoying Christmas at all.
* Christmas Bingo - my grandmother started this and I loved it as a kid. Now I am enjoying my mom share it with my kids every year. We play bingo Christmas Eve as a family and enjoy silly prizes before we go to bed.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
deprogramming and deciphering...
Last night around bedtime Michael and I sat down with the December issue of "Highlights" the kids magazine for some reading before rest time. Michael was exhausted - every blink looked like those big gorgeous eyelashes were having to help each other up ...but he wanted to finish the page.
We finished the story and at the bottom were looking at the kids drawings that had been sent in to go with the story. He was having fun looking at the pictures and being able to read the age of the artist by himself. Then he saw one and said "wow, that's from a 7 year old mom ... but what the hell is it?"
Uh oh.
I guess like every other mom in the world I've been listening to the kids and their Christmas wishes for days now. The Ward boys are totally engulfed in Star Wars - well actually all 8 boys under the age of 10 in our cul-de-sac are engulfed in Star Wars. We have light sabres in every color from one end of the street to the other - we LOVE Star Wars.
The boys have been playing the Star Wars games on Playstation with Abby and Jeff alot lately - so the excitement is almost more than we can contain right now.
So one day recently in the car one of them started telling me about the "Complete Star Wars Suck UP" and how we had to have it. The other one chimed in and quickly they rose several octaves explaining all that Darth Vader does, and then Hans Solo does and then Luke...and it went on and on bigger and better by the second.
I interrupted to try and figure out what in the world they were talking about - was it a Lego's game, a ship, a computer game??? What was the "Compwete Star Wars Suck Up?"
It took about 30 minutes and then it hit me - it was another game for Play Station called "The Complete Star Wars SAGA".
Mind you, they'll not have me calling it that in their presence - but I do think the guy at Target is going to understand what I'm talking about now.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Jesus' Mother and Thanksgiving
Jesus' Mother was "Merry Christmas" - I doubt he's the first kid to say this, but he's the first one in our house to say it!!!
I'm thankful Jeff didn't fall off the scaffolding while painting and hanging the ceiling fan this weekend.
I'm thankful we didn't spend any time in the emergency room over the long weekend.
I'm thankful I successfully cooked my first thanksgiving meal (although it was on Saturday and probably doesn't count and is forever marred by the fact that I can't repeat it since I have no idea what I put in the pumpkin seed, cranberry dressing which Jeff now says he wants me to fix about once a month).
I'm thankful Abby didn't fall in love or break up with anyone over the long weekend.
I'm thankful that yet another round of steroids was offered by a very compassionate doctor today to try and stop this major allergy fit my body seems to be having. And I'm thankful it's winter and not summer - so no one can actually see the wretched condition my skin is in.
I'm thankful that steroids make you manic and hyper and cause you to get lots done and since it's the Christmas season I have lots to do - yes, tying gingham ribbons on invitations is important I don't care what you say. And having the kids handpaint wrapping paper is a GREAT idea dangit!!!
I'm thankful that Michael continues to thank God for Star Wars and Playstation in his prayers.
I'm thankful that Matti gets to go to the "treasure box" tomorrow to bring home yet another plastic snake that I will then be in charge of protecting, repairing, nurturing and keeping in fine working order.
I'm thankful that the smell of gasoline from the spilled can in the back of our mini-van is almost bearable.
I'm thankful that the estimate to fix the other broken car is less than what we thought.
I'm thankful that the mouse we caught in the basement and then took to the garage where he hastily escaped is most certainly no longer residing with us - he just couldn't be...right?
I'm thankful that Matti's picked his new favorite color - and it's silver "just like his daddy". I'm also thankful that he's emphatically declared that the "grills" (girls) in the Ward family are not allowed to sing, hum or whistle the "Darth Vader Song". at least we know the rules.
I'm thankful the best day of Michael's life was today "because daddy got the ceiling fan up, mommy organized his closet, his brother made him smile and he got to be awake when Abby got home from Bible Study tonite". The kid has a heart the size of a small galaxy.
I'm thankful Jeff heard it this weekend when Abby said a high schooler had a crush on her and she liked him too....his reaction then made me thankful that as a trained killing machine he's had a great deal of training on how to handle his emotions (I do think a refresher course might be in order).
I'm thankful Jeff will yet again this weeked be traveling to India to answer a few questions for a bunch of generals - not because I won't miss him - but because everytime some official over there requires Jeff to fly for 2 days, take anti-malaria meds, dodge the deadly monkeys and mosquitos and then fly 2 days back to answer a few questions it makes it so much more palatable for him when I say "Jeff, I need to talk to you about something". It's all about perspective - don't you think.
I'm thankful that while he's gone I'm quite certain our household will acquire that 5th Christmas tree we're going to need this year....unless of course he's one of the 3people that reads this blog.
I'm thankful that I'm getting sleepy - because it's been a long time coming.
I'm thankful that there are blessings unnumbered in my life that I do not deserve, haven't worked for and couldn't figure out how to keep if you asked me - but He loves me therefore...I am blessed.
Oh yeah, there are pictures from our thanksgiving with Jeff's family this year but the camera bag has been in the gas infested car for a week and has to be aired out in the mouse infested garage on top of the 6 empty paint cans before it can come inside so I don't break out in yet another rash due to the smell...
You're getting the picture aren't you?
Anyway, I should have some new pix by Valentines!
Thanks God - there is life in this living all because of You!
Monday, November 12, 2007
It hasn't been a great couple of weeks at the Ward house with colds, and allergies, and wrecks and gas cans spilling in mini-vans...those sorts of things... but back to the point; Matti came home from Awana's last night and told us about the birthday party and the cupcakes and then dug into his cereal.
About 2 bites in his eyes lit up, his eyebrows shot up to the ceiling and his "preacher hand" started waving..."we talked about Noah....he built 2 boats".
So I took the bait - "why two boats Matti?"
Another sloppy bite of raisin bran and then that look that says "mom sometimes I pity you and all you don't know" - and he patiently explained "Mom, I saw the movie 2 times and everytime he builds a boat".
Yes we have just recently become the owners of "Evan Almighty".
And we laughed - we really all needed to laugh.
A couple nights before this mom was standing in as nighttime bible reader while dad was preserving freedom and such somewhere else on the planet. I decided to read about Goliath the Giant. Matti didn't appear to really even be paying attention - but then he excitedly ran to my lap and said "just like me mommy, just like me - I like Giant - He likes chocolate doughnuts just like me".
I'm not much on bribing kids - mostly because I really don't expect the 10th grade chemistry teacher to tell my kids if you do your homework I'll buy you a Big Mac - but for other reasons too - I just don't do it. But while potty training - things are a bit different - and I do reward.
So at the entrance of our neighborhood is a grocery story called "Giant" where after achieving success at eliminating toxins in the potty Matti would get to go to have his chocolate doughnut.
So somehow Goliath the Giant turned into a chocolate doughnut eating pal for Matti- and now they're just alike. A truly religious moment for my little man.
You'll be happy to know I've returned the reigns of Ward Bible Reader to Jeff whom I've also got convinced that staying home and preserving sanity might be a better use of his time!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
according to matti....
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
just yesterday.....
and then life comes really fast.
In the last 8 days Abby's had major dental work with her gum lasered. The next day it was an injury on the hurdles that got us a quick trip (well, if you call 4 hours quick) to the ER then the podiatrist the next day who immediately put her back in her very fashionable cast(oh my) the day after she'd made the track team. Then there was the quick run to the orthodontist to fix one brace - which ended up being 4 braces. Then there are the hormones and boyfriends and the kids getting suspended for kissing at school and the first encounter with a gay teacher talking about his boyfriend....and then the first track meet that the doc finally cleared her to run in- and the coach scheduled her for and then at the last minute because of a scoring error she was pulled out of her only event....
I remember really fretting about protecting her from the previews at rated "G" movies and it being such a big deal...and now I realize that was peanuts compared to this. I know we've got more road ahead of us - but, at this point I find it quite futile to try and protect their hearts - you can only prepare and pray.
There are so many things she deals with in life that are just foreign to me and my experiences - but I serve a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever - and so I prepare her the best I can and then I prayerfully lay her at the feet of God; again and again and again.
Is it enough?
i think that's the cross a mother carries - never knowing if her efforts are ever enough- but that too can be transformed to faith as you realize that "enough" isn't really one of those "God words" - it's more a "Ladies Home Journal" concept. In my weakness - my mustard seed of "enough"- is transformed into more than enough - even for Abby.
Great news though - she's doing great.
I'm pretty passionate about parenting - and creating in kids a moral warehouse that is accessible and fully equipped to help them navigate as much of life as possible while they're under the safe fortress of home. And this week I've been given a glimpse into the tools Abby has in play to handle conflict, disappointment, sin and compromise. Glory to God - it's looking good.
But still - she's 13 and in just 10 years she could be a college graduate with a car, apartment, job and a husband. 10 YEARS!!! that's a blink - it's all so fast. know days like today I really mourn not getting to have more time with Abby when she was just a wee girl - the days of innocence come and go like the wind and then they're gone. I wish I could have held her as an infant and known I could at least protect her for that moment from all the bad and hard and sad things in life. Just a moment to take the pressure off her little heart.
But this week I've seen a young lady whom I respect, and really like. Lord, please keep speaking to her, and raising her in spite of us. You're doing great work!
I found a great baby picture of Abby -but I can't get it to post. You guys would love it.
I'll try again tomorrow.
Sleep with Jesus Abby - I love your guts little one! You have represented your family and your God incredibly well this week.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
He turned to Matti and said -
"Hey Matti, look -
a policeman sucking his thumb....
now that's something you don't see everyday".
Friday, September 21, 2007
Anniversary Issue
The lady behind me said "Jeff Ward, there's you a brunette" - I had no idea what she was talking about, but everyone else did and laughed.
One year later, our little youth group from that church got together for a Sr. Banquet at the Bonanza on 29south. There were only 3 seniors in our group - me, Becky and Jeff Ward. For whatever reason Jeff decided not to bring his girlfriend to this event, and my loving beau from the past year had dumped me the week before prom - so we were unencumbered.
I had been asked to sing "Friends are Friends Forever" and then the events of the evening unfolded into a great time with our friends. At least that's what the pictures say. Jeff and I locked eyes sometime that evening and never let go.
Several weeks later while spending some time with the Lord I felt very strongly that He was knitting Jeff and me together, Jeff later confirmed he was getting the same message. His words to us were that He was going to bind us together thru lots of battles and many years and over many miles. I had no idea how those words would come to life and what they would change and create...but wow, what a ride it's been.
16 years ago today we ended our 4 1/2 years of dating and got married.
It was a fun wedding - in the midst of yet another crisis my family opened the doors to our home while people from all over the country drove in, grabbed their sweet tea and either dug in to help, or crashed in front of the football games on the television (you know who you are all of you Academy guys!) while they polished their shoes. I have to say my favorite part of the wedding was the fun at the house before our 5pm ceremony. We've always had GREAT friends.
So the many years have translated into many battles - we've made it through infertility, surgeries beyond numbers, illnesses that linger, too many moves to count, lots of bad haircuts, our 3 kids coming to us in 5 years, career disappointments, and career achievements, Texas and Mississippi, lots of churches and friends, and houses, and decorating ideas, and fights, and more tears than I would have ever imagined could be cried, miscarriages and births - miracles ad disasters.
I am so thankful to have lived so much of my life with you by my side Jeff.
I loved walking around Lake Dillon with you - hurting together over our miscarriage - there has always been healing in holding your hands.
- I loved driving around the curve in Austria and seeing St. Wolfgang for the first time - you have always brought more to my life than I knew to look for.
- I loved getting on an airplane with you for Puerta Vallarta - and it all being a surprise - you have always loved with such authenticity.
- I love all the trips we made to eat wings and watch it snow and sit by the fire at Pub n Grub - I love the "good ole boy" hiding beneath the uniform.
- I loved season tickets to the Air Force games - even the ones where it rained, or snowed or we just got beat.
- I loved seeing you with each of our children the first time - you are truly the best dad I've ever seen.
- I love the way you STILL watch "Extreme Home Makeover" and cry - thank God and thank you for that heart of yours that is still tender - thank you for protecting and preserving that for us your family.
- I loved going to Hawaii and watching the sunset - and fighting for our marriage - thank you for always fighting too.
- I loved going to Canada and sitting and listening to the rocks on the shore for hours - thank you for letting my have my own neuroses.
- I love watching you listen to great music - thank you for David Grusin.
- I loved the 65 mustang convertible - and picking our Christmas tree up with the top down - you do have nice taste.
- I loved Germany - and walking in the snow to the corner bakery to get breakfast and watching you smile the whole time just because you were getting to share these great experiences with us.
- I love the way you make the kids giggle.
- I loved standing in the hangar at RAFB waiting on you to come home, over and over again. Always so proud to love a man who still and always has served with integrity.
- I loved driving thru the gate at the Academy when they saluted you the first time (wink).
- I love worshipping with you - and the way you always stand for "How Great Thou Art" whether anyone else is or not.
- I love your blue shirts and khaki pants and how you have remained untouched by the fashion trends of the last 20 years (ok - not so much). But you are a good looking drink of water.
- I love playing rummy with you - and winning - and letting you win.
- I love that we can name Mexican Restaurants in just about every state we've ever driven thru.
- I loved kissing you at the top of the Arch in St. Louis, at the top of the Space Needle in Seattle and the Ferris Wheel in Chicago.
- I loved going to the flea market with you and Granpa Frank and watching you love them in just the way they needed it.
I've just realized I could write for another 16 years my love - for you bring such life to my living and wow do I love you. Thank you darling. Thank you God...
Happy Anniversary Mr. Ward - from the Mrs.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Free at Last
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Hey Daddy! We started school
Friday, September 7, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Orthotics for Abby...
The kids and I had to go to Walter Reed Hospital in DC today to get Abby's new orthotics. We spent 3 hours in the prosthetics clinic watching men whose lives and bodies have been obliterated by tragedy in far away places.
The doors to the clinic would swing open wide and these men would roll themselves in the clinic in their wheelchairs and throw their old prosthetic on the counter, laugh and joke with the staff and then minutes later you would see them test driving the new limb while running up the hallway.
Several of them had wives push them in - women with a strength of spirit and heart that seemed too great for words - put pain that was still so close to the surface that they couldn't make eye contact with you.
I could have gotten a babysitter for the two little guys - it was an all day affair. But frankly, I wanted them there. I shared with Michael before we went in what we would see, how he should behave when he saw it and then assured him I'd answer all of his questions when we got back in the van. He was a trooper - amazed while not really understanding how amazing it all was.
Truthfully, I want my kids to see the ugliness of reality - actually I guess I want them to see that NOTHING is FREE. I want them to know of great men and heroes, and people who pay the price and march on.
That's true of their knowledge of Jesus too. I want them to not only know Him as the Savior who rescued them - but also the Savior who was broken and bled and nearly crushed- I want them to know the tomb, only after they've sat at the feet of the cross where the blood trickles down over them. The truth is we need a Savior who bled for us and we need soldiers who will do the same for our freedom in this country and around the world. The sad thing is - very often we want the victory without the battle to the extent that we'll ignore the battle altogther and those who fought.
Wasn't it David who said - "I will not give Him that which costs me nothing".
Today was a reminder of people who say that sort of thing and then have to live with it.
The crazy thing is - the Prsthetics and Orthotics clinic is the rowdiest clinic at that hospital I think - those guys laugh and joke, and talk and share a camaraderie - some unspoken connection that is sacred and precious and solid. It was awkward to be in the room at some points - not because of their injuries - but because of their laughter. I felt small, and shallow and trite.
As we left today, another gentleman was being rolled out to the elevator in front of us - his injuries looked new, his face still carried grimaces of terror and shock - one leg was gone, the other in a cast with tubes hanging out where the foot should have been, one arm in a cast and a tube running out of his shirt at his neck - I never saw him blink. I hope we see running down the halls the next time we're there, or maybe just sitting in the room next to us deciding whether he wants the shiny silver leg, or the flesh colored one made for running. Pray for him - it's a long way from where he was today, to that moment - but at the very least we owe him and others like him a prayer.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
AAARGHHHH Alabama!!!
And now, I'd like to preach for a minute - feel free to move on to your favorite game site if you'd prefer not to hear my rantings.
I desperately want to see my brothers life touched by Jesus. For several years now I've pursued intentionally loving him in the ways it appears he enjoys being loved - wanting to build a relationship with him and wanting to share the love of Jesus with him.
So.... I was just in Alabama for 10 days and got to spend some one on one time with him. We had fun - he's hysterical and a blast to be with. You can talk about anything with him and he's got that great southern humor that makes you cry you laugh so hard.
Several times he turned the conversation to God and church and Christianity and I would sit on my hands, bite my tongue and listen. Over and over the same issue came up with him - probably not unlike many others who just don't think it's worth the effort to dig in to Christianity - Christians have really proven to be the biggest jerks in his life.
In his business - head deacons have been the ones that robbed him, elders are the ones who try to beat him out of a nickle over every bid, and the loudest Christians have been the worst business partners.
Now there were quite a few old buicks riding around down there with those good ole bumper stickers "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven". But I gotta tell you - I just couldn't say that to him - what a cop out.
As a believers - we've all - including me - got to start living our lives a cut above. Relevancy, and being culturally aware is brilliant - except when it gets all the attention and holiness is totally ignored.
The truth is - you and every other friend I have could join me in praying for my brother - we could serve, love and reach out till we're blue in the face - but if on the other hand we're living a sloppy life, with a sloppy mouth and using Christianity as an excuse - then we've just offered him a great kitchen pass out of the whole thing.
So the question is - are you working against the prayers of others because you won't deal with your stuff? What about your business dealings, what about your character and integrity, what about your speech, and your level of forgiveness and your relationship skills - is their holiness that draws others or carelessness that repels them.
Don't know about you - but I've got work to do. What makes you different?
Sunday, August 12, 2007
catching up....
I just spent 3 days at the Willow Creek Leadership summit - my first. It was quite good. I've got lots of reading and digesting to do. One of my favorite speakers was Marcus Buckingham - "Go, Put Your Strengths to Work" - loved his concepts and look forward to implementing them in my mommy world. Not to mention he was a Brit and I LOVED his humor.
There was also a pervasive theme to the conference on obliterating global poverty and how the local church really is the hope of the world. In all of that, I was deeply convicted that my christianity is incredibly small - something I feel is probably a great offense to my God.
It was a good weekend - yet another confirmation to me that God works in 3D. If we're willing to listen and engage He really is the great multi-tasker and can speak to our hearts, minds, spirits in a multitude of ways in rapid fire and precision. I'm looking forward to an afternoon with my notes and my journal
The kids and I are off to Alabama for a week or so for vacation time with Grandma and Grandpa and 3 digit heat. Jeff's on his way to Florida for more work on India and their upcoming purchase. So the Wards will be out of pocket for awhile.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
We're live....
The big events for us last week were Abby finishing her first swim season - and doing really well. You can check out her stats at It was a fun 2 months for all of us.
Jeff's in India this week dodging elephants and cranky customers (see pictures above of 1- a cow in the road because...., and 2 - the Taj Mahal) He's just e-mailed that the heat index is 118 and it's been overcast, so there's no way to know what it's like with the sun out.
Michael's in VBS with some buddies - and was pleased to tell me that God didn't really speak to them at church today, it was just a funny guy with a microphone hiding behind the curtain.
Matti's busy at home with mom. He's in that "I'm 3 and I'm a sponge stage" so we've been reading lots of Bible Stories. We read Jonah last nite and he deliberated over the whole thing for a while really trying to understand why Jonah was thrown overboard. I kept telling him it was because Jonah made a bad choice and "bad choices always hurt". That didn't seem to satisfy him so I then explained that Jonah's bad choice was saying "no" to God. "Matti we don't ever say 'no' to God - that's a very bad choice". He thought a minute and with his adorable grin looked up and said "But mommy can we say 'no ma'am' to God"?
Friday we had to drive to the airport and Matti got to see his first rainbow. It was beautiful and a thrill to watch him experience the whole thing. On our way home though the rainbow was gone and he was desperate to know where it went. Finally he calmed down and said "mommy, I know where the rainbow went - it went back in my Bible".
You can check out Cindy's latest speaking gig at if you'd like. We're doing a series on the "beattitudes" and I was fortunate enough to get an assignment in the series. I really love that whole experience - maybe all this practice talking is paying off :)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Here we are....
Cindy & the Wards
June 2008
The Ward 5....
Abby's finishing her freshman year in high school.
Michael's 7 and we're finishing our first year of homeschooling.
Matti's 4 and spends his time at preschool and on the trampoline knocking out teeth!
Jeff's in the 89th Squadron at Andrews AFB flying 737's and being the Director of Personnel.
I am knee deep in answered prayers, goldfish and calendars!